Experience the future of robotics with our Line Following Robot! This cutting-edge electronics project follows predefined paths, showcasing advanced sensor technology and programming. Ideal for STE
Rs. 1299
Drive Wireless
A miniature robot that you can construct and operate with a WiFi signal is called a DriveWireless vehicle. You use your phone or computer to control it over your home's WiFi network, in place of a
Rs. 1699
Art Bot
Art bots provide an exhilarating opportunity to merge creativity with engineering. They enable you to construct a robot capable of crafting one-of-a-kind and captivatin
Rs. 299
Bluetooth Car
Explore the Bluetooth Car, a DIY project designed to ignite students' passion for STEAM and Robotics. With hands-on building and programming, this interactive toy make
Rs. 1299
Minos | Educational Robot toys | 9 - 14 Year
Meet Minos – An Interactive Educational Robot Kit that makes learning STEAM and Robotics fun for kids.
Rs. 3999
A green energy product that generates energy by the inertia of the flywheel.
Rs. 1999
Explore the magic of circuits with our educational toy. Build and learn about simple circuits, experiment with parallel connections, and discover the sequential flow i
Rs. 99
Obstacle Challenger-COLLINS
COLLINS is an experimental interactive robot with STEAM education. It can help develop logical thinking with the process of assembling parts to finished products.
Rs. 2599
24-IN-1 Robot Carnival
ROBOT CARNIVAL is a set of 24-in-1 robots that learn the mechanics of levers and gears, featuring just 76 parts to create 24 lively characters.
Rs. 2999
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I must explain to you how all this mistaken idea of denouncing pleasure and praising pain was born and I will give you a complete account of the system, and expound the actual teachings of the great explorer of the truth, the master-builder of human happiness.